Monday, March 01, 2010

CfP: EC-TEL 2010

EC-TEL 2010
Fifth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning
Sustaining TEL: From Innovation to Learning and Practice

28 September - 1 October 2010 in Barcelona, Spain

The last decade has seen significant investment in terms of effort and resources (time, people, money) in innovating education and training.
The time has come to make the bold step from small scale innovation research and -development to larger scale implementation and evaluation. The time has come to show the world (government, industry, general population) that we have matured to the stage that sustainable learning and learning practices – both in schools and in industry – can be achieved based upon our work.

What not long ago was seen and experienced as a novel technology (Internet and WWW) has become for much of the populace mundane and commonplace (Web 2.0 and social software). What not long ago was expensive and exotic (computers and broadband computer networks) is now inexpensive and ordinary (netbooks and omnipresent wireless). And what in the past was proprietary and inaccessible (information and learning
materials) is now generic and open (open educational resources).

The TEL community is faced by new research questions related to large scale deployment of technology enhanced learning, support of individual
learning environments through mashup and social software, new approaches in TEL certification, etc. Furthermore, for new approaches are required for TEL design, implementation, and use to improve the understanding and communication of educational needs among all stakeholders, ranging from researchers, learners, tutors, educational organizations, companies, TEL industry, and policy makers.

ECTEL 2010 will bring together technological developments, learning models, and implementations of new and innovative approaches to training and education. The conference will explore how the synergy of multiple disciplines, ranging from Computer Science, Education, Psychology, Cognitive Science, and Social Science, can provide new, more effective and more especially more sustainable, technology-enhanced learning solutions to learning problems. The conference welcomes researchers and developers from European and Non-European countries and industries to present recent advancements from technologies, applications, and learning models in all areas of technology enhanced learning.

From both research and experience perspective the following topics of interest to the conference include, but are not limited to:

Technological underpinning
* Large scale sharing and interoperability
* Technologies for personalisation and adaptation
* Context-aware systems
* Social computing and web 2.0
* Semantic web and web 3.0
* Mobile technologies
* Intelligent games
* Network infrastructures and architectures for TEL
* Sensors and sensor networks
* Roomware and ubiquitous computing
* Data mining and information retrieval
* Natural language processing and latent semantic analysis
* eLearning specifications and standards

Pedagogical underpinning
* Problem- and project-based learning / Inquiry based learning
* Computer supported collaborative learning
* Collaborative knowledge building
* Game-based and simulation-based learning
* Story-telling and reflection-based learning
* Instructional design and Design approaches
* Communities of learners & Communities of practice
* Teaching techniques and strategies for online learning
* Learner motivation and engagement
* Evaluation methods for TEL

Individual, social & organisational learning processes
* Cognitive mechanisms in knowledge acquisition and construction
* Self-regulated and Self-directed learning
* Social processes in teams and communities
* Social awareness
* Knowledge management and organisational learning
* Sustainability & TEL business models and cases
* Business-learning models

Learning contexts and domains
* Applications of TEL in various domains
* Formal education: initial (K-12, higher education), post-initial (continuing education)
* Workplace learning in small, medium and large companies
* Aggregated learning at the workplace Distance and online learning
* Lifelong learning (cradle to grave)
* Vocational training
* Informal learning
* Non-formal learning
* Ubiquitous learning

TEL in developing countries
* ICT Inclusion for learning
* Digital divide and learning
* Generation divide and learning
* Education policies
* Rural learning

TEL, functional diversity and users with special needs
* Accessible learning for all
* Visual, hearing and physical impairments
* Psycho-pedagogic support for users
* Educational guidance for tutors
* Adapted learning flow, content and monitoring process
* Standards about accessibility and learning

The EC-TEL Demonstration is your chance to fully engage EC-TEL attendees at a personal level by letting them see, touch, squeeze, or hear your visions for the future of TEL. We expect that your Demonstration will be a reliably running prototype of your vision ready to be tried out, questioned, interacted with, … In particular, we encourage Demonstration submissions that complement an EC-TEL Paper submission, so that attendees can get a direct experience of your work in addition to the scientific presentation.

Demonstration submissions consist of three parts: (1) short paper, (2) video trailor or remote access to prototype, and (3) description of
technical requirements (see website for more details).

EC-TEL 2010 offers the opportunity to host several workshops. Parties interested to organize a workshop are asked to submit a proposal of
max. 4 pages outlining the theme of the workshop, workshop format, expected participants and domains addressed, dissemination activities,
programme committee, and organizational requirements. A separate call will be published in parallel. Proposals should be submitted via the EasyChair system of ECTEL.

Paper & demonstration submission:
11 April 2010
Paper & demonstration acceptance:
31 May 2010
Camera-ready final papers:
30 June 2010
Workshop proposals:
11 April 2010
Workshop acceptance:
11 May 2010
28/29 September 2010
30 September /1 October 2010

All papers will be reviewed through a non-blind review process. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Proceeding will be published by Springer within their “Lecture Notes in Computer Science” series which is ranked in the ISI Web of Knowledge.
The use of supplied template is mandatory:

* Full Papers (max. 16 pages)
* Short Papers and Posters (max. 6 pages)
* Meetings: contact the local organisation chair

General chair: Vania Dimitrova, University of Leeds, UK
Programme chairs: Martin Wolpers, Fraunhofer FIT, Germany; and Paul A. Kirschner, Open Universiteit Nederland
Workshop chair: Daniel Burgos, TELSpain/ATOS Origin, Spain
Poster and Demonstration chair: Stefanie Lindstaedt, Know-Center Graz, Austria
Industrial session chair: Julio Alonso, TELSpain/International University of La Rioja, Spain
Local organization chair: Marta Enrech, TELSpain/Open University of Catalonia, Spain
Doctoral Consortium chairs: Katherine Maillet, INT, France; and Ralf Klamma, RWTH Aachen, Germany


Kayla D. said...

This is my first experience working and learning about TEL. I found this blog really interesting and a great way to learn about TEL. It would be incredible to experience a TEL conference. As an educator, I understand the importance of technology-based learning, and how important it is becoming in the classrooms.

How can one become TEL certified? It would be a great discussion topic and opportunity to bring to the school district I work at.

What do you find to be the best way to utilize TEL regularly?
What did you find most useful from the conference?

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