Monday, August 25, 2008


I'm back from a 3 weeks holiday in lovely Tunisia. My first post after this break will be to announce the call for participation and the programme for the interesting MUPPLE08 Workshop where I'm member of the programme committee.


09:00 Welcome Message & Keynote (t.b.a.)

09:40 Felix Mödritscher, Fridolin Wild, Steinn Sigurdarson:
Language Design for a Personal Learning Environment Design
Language (Long Paper)

10:10 Juan I. Asensio-Perez, Miguel L. Bote-Lorenzo,
Guillermo Vega-Gorgojo, Yannis A. Dimitriadis, Eduardo Gomez-Sanchez,
Eloy D. Villasclaras-Fernandez: Adding mash-up based tailorability
to VLEs for scripted Collaborative Learning (Short Paper)

10:30 Luis de la Fuente Valentín, Derick Leony, Abelardo Pardo,
Carlos Delgado Kloos: Mashups in Learning Design: pushing the flexibility
envelope (Long Paper)

- 10 min break -

11:10 Scott Wilson, Paul Sharples, Dai Griffiths:
Distributing education services to personal and institutional systems
using Widgets (Long Paper)

11:40 Stéphane Sire, Alain Vagner: Increasing Widgets Interoperability at the
Portal Level (Short Paper)

12:00 Oskar Casquero, Javier Portillo, Ramón Ovelar, Jesús Romo, Manuel Benito:
iGoogle and gadgets as a platform for integrating institutional and external
services (Short Paper)

12:20 Evgeny Bogdanov, Christophe Salzmann, Sandy El Helou, Denis Gillet:
Social Software Modeling and Mashup based on Actors, Activities and Assets
(Short Paper)

- lunch break -

13:30 Hannes Ebner, Matthias Palmer:
A Mashup-friendly Resource and Metadata Management Framework (Long Paper)

14:00 Ahmet Soylu, Selahattin Kuru, Fridolin Wild, Felix Mödritscher:
A Learning Object Harvesting Model and a Sample Application (Long Paper)

14:30 Riina Vuorikari:
A case study on teachers’ use of social tagging tools to create collections of
resources - and how to consolidate them (Short Paper)

- 10 min break -

15:00 Sebastian Weber, Ludger Thomas, Eric Ras:
Investigating the Suitability of Mashups for Informal Learning and Personal
Knowledge Management (Long Paper)

15:30 Graham Attwell: Maturing learning: Mash up Personal Learning Environments
(Long Paper)

- 10 min break -

16:10 Problem Sharing: Future Challenges (open discussion)

17:00 end (s.t.)