Thursday, November 30, 2006

Yahoo! attacks Google

On the Yahoo! search blog, Tomi Poutanen from Yahoo! Social Search posted "Today we learned that Google Answers is closing. That's a shame because some great knowledge was created on that service by the Google Answers Researchers". Tomi invited Google Answers researchers to join the Yahoo! Answers community. I´m not sure if this is rather an inofficial invitation to former Google Answers Researchers (exGARs) to join the Yahoo! Answers team and work for Yahoo!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sorry to hear google answers closing down. I personally liked it very much. enough for the bad news. now the good news: welcomes all google answer refugees. allow you to ask question for free or for a fee (minimum $2). any category, any topic. also allow you to answer any questions, our commission now is 20% + $0.20.
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